Article - Golf Shirts: The Garments of Choice

08 May 2020

You don’t have to be a professional golfer to wear a golf shirt. In fact, you don’t even need to set foot on a golf course to wear a golf shirt with confidence and a considerable amount of pleasure.

Casual and Stylish Comfort

Why pleasure, you may well ask. Is it because you want to be identified as or mistaken for a golfer? Might it be because a good quality, well-made golf shirt is stylish, attractive and much smarter than a T-shirt, whilst being informal? Alternatively, is your pleasure simply due to the fact that a good golf shirt is exceptionally comfortable to wear? These garments are typically worn during one’s leisure time, while participating in sport or when attending a sporting event as a spectator, while working in an environment that calls for more casual but neat attire, or anytime when you’re not more formally attired.

It’s perfectly understandable to take pleasure from wearing your favourite golf shirts if theyve been designed, manufactured, branded and supplied by XCO Group. We’re a leading South African provider of virtually all types of corporate, team and sports apparel and allied equipment, as well as enormous ranges of promotional and functional items, from gifts to protective gear, and a host of other customised products and marketing solutions.

Our XCO golf shirts incorporate all the attractive aspects of this type of garment we have already mentioned above. Each range – and there are umpteen ranges and designs from which to choose – also feature many more elements that make our golfers’ gear and garments stylish, desirable to own, and a pleasure to wear.


The use of textiles and fabrics which retain their shape after being washed repeatedly, can breathe, as well as stretch to allow freedom of movement are paramount features of high-quality golfing tops. If you play this game or you’ve watched golfers’ actions, particularly the swing when they tee off, you’ll realise just how important fabric choice truly is.

Design, Fit and Cut  

The majority of our golf shirt ranges feature standard short sleeves, but certain models sport raglan or long sleeves. Ladies’ ranges are specifically designed, cut and made to flatter the distinctive female form. All designs for both genders are roomy enough to fit comfortably, without restricting movement across the shoulders, arms and torso.

Quality Finish

It’s imperative that the garments manufactured and supplied by XCO Group conform to our strictly controlled quality standards. To ensure that our golf shirts not only look good when they are new, but also retain their original appearance thereafter, seams in critical areas are reinforced with tape or binding – notably at the neck, placket and side slits.  

Triple-check quality controls are performed to ensure that your purchases are as close to perfect as possible, with particular focus on overall quality, quantity and branding. Our in-house branding teams ensure that no detail of your logo and other branding insignia, which they apply according to your specifications, are accurate. 

For your convenience and assistance, detailed information, guidelines and examples of logo application options are posted on our XCO Group Geared for Life Corporate Identity pages. Graphics also illustrate the pre-ordering, ordering and logistics steps and phases of our easy-to-use processes that may pertain to your golf shirt and corporate clothing online acquisition.  

Convenience, Speed and Efficiency

Our novel, innovative software ensures that our customers are able to conduct every step of their transactions efficiently, speedily and conveniently – online. These online tools include:

If a quick turnaround time, excellent customer service, quality, variety and convenience is important to you when acquiring golf shirts and other branded goods – without involving subcontractors, XCO Group looks forward to becoming your supplier of choice.