Article - Specifically Shielding the Face

20 Aug 2020

There are numerous ways of shielding one’s face and even more reasons why one would wish to do so. Some are simple; others are face-saving and most important of all, some are essential. Face shield's and modern methods of doing so vary today, much as they did in distant days.

What Is It?

A shield is a buffer made of any type of material that is designed and shaped to safeguard the person, their face, or part of the body behind the screening device. Nowadays, such items are worn, carried, or positioned to offer protection from or lessen the effects of direct exposure to contaminants, fumes, sprays, odours, dust and debris, air-and-droplet-borne infections and harmful micro-organisms, as well as toxins or other hazardous substances.

During riots, civil unrest, or mass demonstrations that threaten to become violent, law enforcement personnel also shelter behind special shields that offer body protection.

Likely Origins

Fundamentally, it’s likely that the earliest type of shield would have consisted of a natural feature or object, behind which ancient human beings could take cover from an approaching threat. As humankind evolved further, collections of family groups joined together to start forming tribes and societies that produced rudimentary tools and weapons with which to engage in battle with opposing parties seeking dominance over others, their territories, and their resources.

Once humans learned to manufacture goods from leather and metals, they invented more sophisticated shields, made of animal skins or iron alloys, which proved to be far more effective for full body and face protection. Ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian battle shields were ornately decorated with symbols that were meaningful to their respective regiments, rulers, and cultural beliefs, while body armour and full-face helmets safeguarded troops.

Protective Products

The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic has brought face shields to the forefront, whereas such products were once almost exclusively the preserve of surgeons and other medical professionals, welders, health workers who entered high-risk areas and situations, metal workers, grinders and cutting tool operators, laboratory technicians, and workers in chemical plants, amongst others.

As a result of endeavours to contain the spread of coronavirus, the use of protective barrier products has become paramount, when out in public places and virtually anywhere where people come into contact with others. In South Africa, failure to comply with this recently imposed face masking rule may result in criminal prosecution or the imposition of a fine.

Which Product?

Which is the preferred or most effective product with which to protect the vulnerable face and its features, mainly the eyes, nose and mouth? Is it a face shield or a mask? Are these two products interchangeable, since both serve a similar purpose – covering the face or critical parts thereof? There’s no definitive “yes” or “no” answer since the choice of most effective defensive product depends on the characteristics of the threat against which protection is sought.

How COVID-19 Spreads

Since the identification of COVID-19 and recognition of just how potentially serious this virus can be, scientists initially advised that this deadly viral infection spreads by:

  • An infected symptomatic or asymptomatic person coughing, sneezing or exhaling minute virus-containing droplets, which settle on objects, surfaces, or other people who are within range of the infected person.
  • The virus lingers on surfaces, surviving and remaining infectious externally for up to about three days.
  • Other people then unknowingly touch or come into contact with contaminated surfaces or the infected person, transferring the virus onto or into themselves, as well as to any number of additional surfaces and parties.
  • Without intervention and effective containment efforts, the cycle keeps on repeating and replicating itself; infection spreads, compounding and multiplying rapidly, eventually uncontrollably.

Recently, however, it is thought that the spread and transference of micro-particles containing COVID-19 may also be airborne, making the threat to public health all the more severe and serious, if indeed the virus does spread through airborne particles.

Take No Chances

While a shield does screen the entire face from infection carrying droplets, a mask prevents a person from breathing in airborne infections, since the former product has a gap at its lower end, through which airborne particles may be inhaled.

Wearing both products simultaneously would enhance protection levels. This is why we at XCO Group, specialist suppliers of corporate apparel, workwear, team wear, and COVID-19-fighting essential products, offer one type of face shield and numerous mask variants – to help ensure personal and public safety, plus aid in the prevention the spread of coronavirus, as effectively and efficiently as possible.