Article - Why Investing in Branded Suits and Corporate Wear is Important for Business Success

10 Jan 2018

Why Investing in Branded Suits and Corporate Wear is Important for Business Success


How do your employees represent your company? Do they wear branded Conti suits, T-shirts, protective wear or perhaps branded jackets? Do you have a full range of corporate and casual wear professionally branded to promote your company or do your employees still compete for the best dressed award or perhaps they struggle to find the right attire for every day? If you haven’t yet invested in branded corporate wear, such as Conti suits, overalls, and casual wear, then consider the benefits of doing such.


Motivates and Unifies

The word uniform describes branded corporate wear the best. It creates uniformity among the workers and as a group or as individuals promotes oneness with your company. Whether the employees work in customer relations or in accounts, wearing clothing with the same brand logos and colour schemes creates a sense of belonging and of togetherness. Part of building corporate culture is to create unity and that is what the branded clothing does for your company’s culture. As a unit, they are more successful and the more similar characteristics you can establish such as same colour and same brand logo on their clothing, the stronger the unity becomes. The brand thus promotes solidarity with other employees.


Improves Productivity

Studies have shown that workers wear their casual clothing over weekends as part of their way to relax. Once they are out of work clothing, they are no longer focussed on the business. 


The weekend identity thus differs from the weekday work identity. With IT and creative companies having casual clothing approaches today one has to ask whether the employees are always in their weekend modes. It is still possible to allow for casual wear, but by making sure that the casual wear is similar in appearance and has the same logo, you prevent productivity slumps. The workers can still go into weekend mode when at home, but while they work in branded casual clothing during the week, they will be focussed on the tasks at hand. 


When it comes to other corporate environments, investing in attire, such as branded Conti suits or three piece ladies suits, can help to create a professional group mindset. Productivity can increase because the group is in work mode and there is a clear distinction between the weekend attire and the work clothing during the week.


Gives a Sense of Pride

Pride in the company and the job role contributes to higher levels of productivity, improved behaviour and loyalty. Whenever an employee wears a shirt or any piece of clothing that carries their employer’s logo, there is positive pride. They are less likely to be rude while on lunch or when working with customers. They have a job and they contribute to society and that’s what the logo and high quality clothing portrays. 


Clearly Identifies the Company

Customers in retail stores often walk around in search of floor assistants and they identify them by the branded clothing they wear. The same is true for patrons at a restaurant. The clothing tells them who is a waiter and who is the manager. The same applies even in the corporate setting. With branding, the company is able to promote their image outside the office whenever their employees walk out the door. It is thus a cost-effective way of creating more familiarity with the brand. Clothing has symbolic value and with the selection of top-quality corporate or worker wear the company gives a message to the market place. 


Going Forward

It is essential to choose the colours that support your brand colour scheme. Next, consider the tasks that must be performed. If the employee works outside and does hard labour then you will want clothing that can drain sweat away from the body. If the employee works in the office or with customers think what type of image you will want your customers to have about your brand. We can help with the selection of appropriate wear, branding and the supply of clothing.